Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ok... hate is a little strong. But... I do. What would you say to a French person who lives in a America and says he/she hates America? Well... naturally one would say, "Go back to France you stupid Frenchy Fry." Maybe that is a little extreme, but the same feelings emerge when I talk to someone who is hatin' on Utah. Yes, it is not perfect, and has many flaws, but where is the love??

Basically, people who go to BYU and hate Utah are either irrational or super negative, like "the glass is half empty" or even "the glass is a fourth empty" type of person. Let me explain....

Let's go back to Econ 101, or even a American heritage class. It is irrational for someone to do something where the costs, or negative aspects, of something are greater than the benefits of doing something. Follow? So, all those people who go to BYU (live in Utah) talk about how they hate Utah. Really? If you hate it so bad, and it is so painful for you to live here, why don't you go back to where you came from (you Frenchy fry). The parenthetical statement is optional. So obviously you are being irrational by living here and should go back. Or, you are just being negative.

The more plausible option, and more likely, is that people (Utah haters) are just being negative and want to be trendy. For some reason it is trendy to hate Utah, especially among non-Utah mormons. Dumb. Most of the time the Utah mormons are good members who aren't... for a lack of a better word... weird. Out of state mormons were defined by their peers by being "mormon". Utah mormons define themselves by what they do ('cause more or less we're all mormons here). And, for some reason there are less weird Utah mormons then non-Utah mormons. But, that is a different topic for a different time.

Back to the negative Utah haters... So if you are rational and go to BYU and live here because there are more benefits by coming here and you hate living in Utah (going to BYU is a part of living in Utah) THEN you are just focussing on the negative. You have surpassed the "glass is half empty" and have arrived at the "glass is a fourth empty". You have decided to be a negative person have jumped on the perceived cool band wagon of "I hate Utah". Yea... way to be original. So all in all I hate Utah haters, but really just hate that they hate Utah haters. Most of the time they are good people who have just joined the "I hate Utah" club and need to be helped:)

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